This study was carried out to evaluate nutritional value of Alhagi Persarum silage by adding of enzyme, urea and molasses. For this aim Alhagi persarum forage were harvested and chopped. Then were mixed with the enzyme (3 g/kg DM), urea(%5) and molasses (%10) and ensiled in 5 Kg plastic baskets. The silages were opened after 45 days and chemical compositions inculuding dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ash, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), cell wall and cell wall without hemicelluloses were measured according to the standard procedure and dry matter degradability nylon bags methods. Results showed that urea significantly increased in pH, CP, ADF and NDF content and decreased EE . molasses caused a significant increased in EE and CP content and decreased ADF and NDF content. enzyme caused a significant decreased ph and EE content and significant increased cp content. Also, results of in vitro gas production revealed that in all incubation times after adding urea amount of gas production decreased but with adding molasses it was increased and with adding enzyme expect in time 2, 4, 6 and 8 gas production value was decreased. In conclusion results this study, it can be recommendation that the use of supplements urea and molasses can be used to make good Alhagi persarum silage.